Friday, December 19, 2008

December in the Gulf

Got out for a little fishing Wednesday. As you can see from the snapshots, I put my birthday present to good use. Sharon got me the neatest little Nikon Coolpix camera and it takes great pictures. Of course, you have to allow for the subjects not being too photogenic and if you do that, they're not too bad. I finally got Bill Kisling to take a picture of me with a grouper I caught instead of me always being the one behind the camera.

The weather was perfect, the seas were calm, and the fish were biting! Captain Ron likes to make good long runs so today was just the ticket for that. You can go way out when the water is smooth like it was this trip.

We had no trouble getting our limit of nice ones.

Now, all of you who have been giving me static about not posting for so long...phhhhhhhhhhttttt!

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